This story contains instructions for quickly and easily creating your own DIY Mongolian Grill at home, perfect for company, grill nights or even camping.  Enjoy!

I’ll name our favorite foods to have in the assembly line and give suggestions, but feel free to branch out and select your own favorite veggies, meats, noodles, toppings and sauces.

I like to cook up 2 kinds of noodles, and I use them both in my bowl.  Our preference is spaghetti noodles and rice noodles.  You can cook them in advance and set them in fridge until ready to eat.

You can go crazy with the meats.  The restaurant we go to has fish options, beefs, sausages of all kinds, chicken, etc.  For ease, we stick with chicken and my favorite, Hillshire Farm Sausages. 

All I do is slice the sausages.  The chicken is really easy to prepare as well, as I just take a frozen chicken breast & slice them as thinly as I can manage.  That way they cook perfectly at the same pace as the veggies. 

Now let’s talk about sauces. I grab whatever I happen to have in my fridge, but I love to make sure I have a teriyaki sauce & a sweet & sour sauce & some hot sauce for those who like a little fire on their tongue.

Click below for my full post with tips!

For more tips and recommendations visit