These botanical wood slices are such a fun and easy craft and can be used in so many ways.  This tutorial includes the how-to for transferring any image from your inkjet printer onto wood.

In the spirit of spring and summer and flowers blooming, I’m here today to share a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to enjoy nature, without getting your hands dirty.

And in case you are wondering what to do with your botanical wood slices once you made them, I have plenty of ideas for you.

WOOD SLICES - My husband happens to hoard anything wood - My wood slices measure about 4 inches across, but the size is completely up to you with what you have available

YOU’LL ALSO NEED: - Wax paper - Tape - Scissors - Credit Card - Standard printer paper

INSTRUCTIONS: First of all, cut a piece of wax paper the same size as your standard printer paper.  Overlap the wax paper about an inch over the top of the printer paper.

Click below for my full post with tips!

For more tips and recommendations visit