Must Know Tips for Container Herb Gardening

Let me walk you through the steps to planting your potted herbs, and offer 3 tips for continued growth and success.

WHY PLANT HERBS IN CONTAINERS OR POTS Weeds are non existent or minimal, they are close to our kitchen where I can remember them and you don’t need a huge area to enjoy this form of gardening.

HERBS FROM SEED OR PLANT? We did not plant from seed, rather we just picked up some of our desired herbs already started at the supermarket. 

HOW TO PLANT HERBS IN CONTAINERS OR POTS After selecting your pot or container, you’ll want to ensure good drainage. Drill a few holes at the bottom, and fill the bottom with rocks.

Next up, fill your pot almost full of fertilized, organic soil.  This will give your plants a great start and the best chance for success.

Prepare a place for your plants by digging a spot a few inches deep. Remove your plant from the container, and break up the roots just a bit.

Click below for my full post with tips!

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