Reminiscent of an Almond Joy, Mound, or Bounty coconut candy bar, these no-bake coconut bars are waaaay better for you!

INGREDIENTS: - Coconut Oil - Coconut Milk - Unsweetened - Coconut Flakes - Pure Maple Syrup - Dark Chocolate

INSTRUCTIONS: Melt the coconut oil until in a liquid form Combine the oil, coconut milk, shredded coconut and syrup together in a blender or food processor.

Blend/mix until smooth consistency. Form the coconut mixture into bars or spread flat on pan or parchment paper.

Freeze for approximately 15 minutes. Prep any toppings (crushed almonds) so they are ready to top right after the chocolate is melted and poured.

While the mixture is setting in the freezer, melt chocolate over a double broiler or in a microwave in 30 second intervals while stirring in between.  

Click below for my full post with tips!

For more tips and recommendations visit  tidbits-cami.com