Simple Spring Office Refresh

Whether you have a dedicated workspace (small or large) at home or your own office at work, think about making sure these 5 elements find their way into your space every day.


Whatever is inspiring to you, be sure to include it in your office.

For me, the number one inspiring item in my office is this old tattered rose painting I found for a steal at an antique store. It is a beauty for my eyes and speaks to my soul. Art is always a way to foster inspiration when needed, but there are other ways as well.


I hear all the time how statistics show greater productivity when plants and nature are placed in the office spaces. Take notice of this fact as you walk into office spaces around you.


Not much kills productivity more than a disorganized space. So I took everything out of the drawers and mapped out a more organized system. Let me show you what I started doing.

I divided the “stuff” into sections and made a list of all the categories they went under. Then using my favorite label maker, I put the clear labels in a visible but conspicuous spot.


No one can feel good at work if they are uncomfortable. I adore our soft and supportive office chairs and have my computer screen raised high to help me sit up straight and my neck upright.

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