DIY Pom Pom Pillow: A Beginner's Guide

Meet my new favorite throw pillow – the DIY pom pom pillow – in soothing shades of white.

If white is not your thing, get as colorful as you wish and let me show you how to make your very own pom pom pillow. . . or two . . . or three.


– Pillow Form – Fabric – Pom Pom trim


I have found a better fit when I can fit my fabric right to the pillow, rather than measure and cut. Lay your fabric right over your pillow form.


Make a small snip where you need to cut. I figure this out by placing my fingers where the side seam of the pillow is and adding about 1/2 inch for the seam allowance.


Then remove your pillow form and make a straight cut. Do this for all sides that need to be cut out.


Once you have that front piece cut, you can cut the back panels, which will be the same length as the sides, but only approximately 3/4 the width of the pillow. Cut two pieces for the envelope back closure.

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