Lace Pillowcase DIY

Today I have a simple tutorial for adding some charm to a basic white pillowcase. All you need is a pre-made pillowcase and some lace and a few stitches later you have a lace pillowcase!

I’ve always admired those pillowcases with hand crochet edgings, and the touch of vintage charm it adds to a bed.

First, be sure you have a pillowcase that has a little hang on the edging after the pillow is inserted.

You will need about 1.5 yards of lace for a standard size pillowcase. It will leave you with a little extra lace, but 1 1/4 might not be enough.

Figure the exact amount of lace you will need by laying the lace on the pillowcase edging with about an inch extra of overhang.

Next, you will pin the lace exactly in place where you want it stitched down. You can really start your lace edge any where, just be sure to fold the raw edge of your lace over once.

Once the other end of the lace meets up with the previous end you pinned down, fold the raw edge of the lace down again and pin it over the other edge.

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