DIY Toy Storage: Make a Treasure Chest for Your Little Pirates

Contain the kid mess functionally and beautifully with this DIY Toy Storage Treasure Chest.

Our little boy came after our 3 girls. Knowing his tender personality, I am sure he patiently waited his turn. With his arrival into our family, I’ve had to learn a lot about being a boy mom.

I’ve had to learn how special a mother/son relationship can be. I’ve also had to learn how to cope with collections and the most random clutter hidden in the most random places. Is that a general boy thing, or just my boy thing?

Oh how he loves to find and collect “things”. Part of navigating the boy world has been teaching him that he cannot keep everything, and part of that involves finding a place for him to keep his most special things.

We really lacked a solution for this, until my husband decided to build him a big toy box of sorts, in the form of a treasure chest. As I’ve learned, “treasure” is a very important thing in a boys world.

We don’t have a ton of space in our rental home, so my little boy had to help me go through and keep only his favorite toys and collections.

We cleaned it down to some rock collections, super hero’s, paw patrol stuffies, figurines, micro machines and other fun things he regularly plays with. Other big toy items like legos and train sets are kept downstairs in totes.

Some of his collections are really special like these eggs with toys in them, which his daddy made for him at work on their 3D printer. He gets a real kick out of them!

The top sectioned tray easily lifts out and that is where we keep his very special collection of “old trucks”.

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