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Need help getting started with homeschool or are you ready to try new things? Explore this master list of homeschool resources including philosophies, curriculum, laws, funding, books, podcasts, supplies and so much more! This is your one stop shop for all things homeschool!

A master list of homeschool resources to help guide you in homeschool.

We’ve been homeschooling for years now, and have loved it so much! One of the most amazing things to discover is home many resources are available to us as homeschooling families.

Homeschooling family

I wanted a place to compile the resources I have discovered and where I could frequently add to this ongoing list.

I hope you find this post helpful and will save it to come back and check out what new resources I have found for you!

Want to explore even more about homeschool?

If you have not already signed up for my Homeschool Exploration Class, please go check that out and enroll.

homeschool resources and exploration

I have created my own resource to help you explore even more about homeschool. You’ll enjoy over 8 hours of video instruction and a 24 page printable pack with guides, checklists, planning pages and more.

If you know of any more resources not listed below, please let us know in the comments and I will add it to this master list for us to all come back to again and again.

Homeschool exploration class

Thank you!

Educational Philosophies and Methods

Learning about different philosophies of education can help guide you in your own unique approach to homeschooling. Here is a summary of some of the most popular philosophies among homeschoolers and links to where you can read about it more in depth.

Well Educated Heart

Also known as the Libraries of Home, this is the idea of opening the heart of a child to make learning more enriching. High focus on fine art, music, poetry, nature, and story. You’ll find a massive library of free resources, support groups and online educational opportunities.

Classical Education

A classical education emphasizes the trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) and the study of classical texts to foster critical thinking, effective communication, and a deep understanding of the liberal arts.

Charlotte Mason

A Charlotte Mason philosophy focuses on living books, short lessons, nature study, and the cultivation of good habits to provide a whole child education and gentle approach to learning.

Montessori Method

The Montessori Method is an educational approach that encourages self-directed learning, hands-on exploration, and the development of independence and self-discipline in children.

Unschooling Method

The Unschooling method is a child-led approach to homeschooling that encourages natural curiosity and interests, allowing children to learn through self-directed exploration and real-life experiences rather than a structured curriculum.

Unit Studies

Unit Studies is a homeschooling approach that revolves around themed topics, integrating various subjects into a comprehensive and engaging learning experience.

Eclectic Homeschooling

Eclectic homeschooling is a flexible and personalized approach that combines elements from various educational methods and resources to suit the individual needs and preferences of the child.

Waldorf Education

Waldorf education is a holistic approach that fosters creativity, imagination, and a love for learning through a curriculum that integrates arts, movement, and practical activities.

Traditional Textbook Schooling

Traditional textbook schooling follows a structured curriculum using standard textbooks as the primary teaching materials, often involving teacher-led instruction and assessment.

Online Schooling Resource

Online schooling involves virtual learning environments where students access educational materials and interact with teachers and peers over the internet, offering flexibility and accessibility for remote education.

Thomas Jefferson Education

The Thomas Jefferson Education model emphasizes leadership education through a “classics-based, mentoring approach,” focusing on self-directed learning, character development, and critical thinking inspired by the educational philosophy of the Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson.

Math Homeschool Curriculum

Here are some highly recommended homeschool curriculum for you to explore. Many of these we have done ourselves or heard about from friends. You can find hundreds of curriculum options to suit your philosophy and preferences – but this list should get you started.

Saxon Math

Saxon Math is a rigorous and incremental approach to mathematics instruction that emphasizes continuous review and practice to build a solid foundation in math concepts.

Nicole the Math Lady

Nicole the Math Lady is an online math curriculum designed to provide clear and engaging video lessons that go along with Saxon math – making it more engaging and giving help for grading scores.

Teaching Textbooks

Teaching Textbooks is a computer-based math curriculum that offers step-by-step explanations, interactive practice, and automated grading to provide a self-paced and comprehensive learning experience for homeschooling students.

Life of Fred

Life of Fred is a unique math curriculum that follows the humorous and engaging story of a five-year-old math genius named Fred, incorporating math concepts within the narrative to foster a deeper understanding of mathematics for homeschooling students.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a free online educational platform that offers a wide range of video lessons and interactive exercises covering various subjects, providing accessible and self-paced learning for students of all ages.


Math-U-See is a hands-on math curriculum that utilizes manipulatives and systematic instruction to help students grasp mathematical concepts at their own pace.

Singapore Math

Singapore Math is a highly effective and visual approach to teaching mathematics, emphasizing problem-solving and critical thinking skills through a concrete-pictorial-abstract progression.

Language Arts and Multi-subject

Many of these curriculum companies excel at language arts programs, but also have other curriculum for math and other various subjects.

The Good and the Beautiful

The Good and the Beautiful is a comprehensive and faith-based program that offers engaging, literature-rich materials with an emphasis on character development and nature-based learning.

Belle Ame at Home

Well Educated Heart has created a new way to integrate their philosophy with this online resource for learning with the heart – for the whole family.

Well Educated Heart Academy

Created for teens, Well Educated Heart Academy is live and recorded zoom classes taught by professionals for the high school years.

Gather Round Unit Studies

Gather Round is a great resource for unit studies falling under specific topics. This is also a faith-based program.


Time4Learning is an online curriculum that combines multimedia lessons, assessments, and automated grading to provide an engaging and flexible homeschooling experience for students in pre-K through 12th grade.


Abeka is a Christian-based homeschool curriculum that offers traditional textbook materials and structured lesson plans with a focus on academic excellence and character development.


Sonlight is a literature-based homeschool curriculum that uses a diverse selection of books and resources to foster a love for reading and a comprehensive understanding of various subjects across different grade levels.

Calvert Education

Calvert is a comprehensive homeschool curriculum that provides a well-organized and flexible approach to learning through a combination of textbooks, online resources, and teacher support for students in kindergarten through 12th grade.

Elective Learning Homeschool Resources

Dave Ramsey Homeschool Curriculum

Dave Ramsey is great resource to help teach your kids about finances. There are curriculums for younger and older kids.

Touch, Type, Read and Spell

Our favorite typing program that teaches kids to type and improve their reading and spelling.

mom and child homeschooling together

Hoffman Academy for Piano Lessons

A wonderful free and paid resource to teach your kids piano at home.

Nature Journaling Curriculum

Wildly talked about in the homeschool communities is this nature journalling site and curriculum. The whole family will love it.

Subscription Boxes

A great way to bring in hands-on learning is through educational subscription boxes. Here are some of our favorites.

Kiwi Crates is a top favorite around our house! There is a box for every age and interest, and it’s the best day ever when they arrive.

Crunch Labs

We have some major Mark Rober fans in our home as well, and the subscription boxes from Crunch Labs are worth their weight in gold. So much learning happens, it is magical!

Books on Homeschooling

I have read some books on homeschooling that have been very inspiring. Here is a list of my favorites.

Also worth mentioning is this beautiful series from Well Educated Heart, called My Book of Delights. I’ll have to do an entirely new post on books for kids – there are too many to mention here!

YouTube Channels for Homeschooling

Here are some channels you and your kids might enjoy to inspire your homeschool life.

For Kids

For Parents

Social Media Accounts Great for Homeschool

Here are some great Instagram accounts to follow for homeschool inspiration. Let me know yours, so I can add to my follows!

Homeschool Podcasts

Some are great for me and some are great for my kids! Look these up on your podcast app.

  • Appleseed (great stories for the family!)
  • Called to Homeschool
  • At Home with Sally
  • The Well Educated Mothers Heart
  • The Homemakers Club
  • The Big Life Kids Podcast
  • Homeschool Made Simple
  • Wild and Free

Homeschool Magazines

Need a good read? These magazines look so enjoyable!

Homeschool Conferences

Homeschool Laws by State

Check these resources to figure out what the homeschool laws are for your state.

Homeschool Funding Options

I’m sure I don’t know what exists everywhere, but here is what I am familiar with. Check to see if your state has these options and ask around in your facebook groups about funding.

Wonderful Homeschool Supplies to Have

Homeschool Inspiration

Where to Find Local Homeschool Support

  • Search for local facebook homeschool groups. An invaluable support for you.
  • Find local co-ops
  • Ask local friends and family who homeschool what resources are in your area
  • Ask local business if they have homeschool/during the day offerings

I will keep adding to this page as I discover more resources. Please share what you love in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

“In its purity, this life in the home circle is the highest, most exalted that can be thought or dreamed of for the education of our race.  It is unconditionally true: where love and the ability to love are found in the home circle there one can confidently predict that the education it affords almost never fails.”

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

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